Thursday, January 8, 2009

What's Your Design Style?

Ethnic Eclectic

Your style is a mix of bohemian chic and contemporary ethnic flair. Whether you travel extensively or shop locally, chances are good that your home is filled with a collection of interesting accessories. By contrast, a neutral color scheme and furniture with simple lines is the best backdrop to accentuate your most colorful pieces. To achieve this mix-and-match design style, look to nature. "The concern with the environment is playing a big role in interior design trends – from colors you find in nature, to high-end natural fibers in wall coverings, to exotic woods and stone being used throughout the home," says Denise Turner, an interior designer in Alta Loma, California. It's all about simple lines and natural materials as a backdrop for your collectables and artwork.

Design Tips for Ethnic Eclectic

Contemporary and chic accessories go with any style. Dress up family-friendly comfort in the dining room with a sophisticated Murano glass light fixture that's out of the reach of little hands. Or, make the master bedroom your grown-up retreat with soothing colors from the garden and a wooden platform bed with a trendy upholstered headboard.

Whats been going on.....not much

My brother called me tonight i haven't talked to him in a while. We are usually pretty close besides the fact is that he is an incredible asshole. Any way he certainly isn't an asshole to his gorgeous and nice girl friend. My brother is almost 24years old and he has just told his first girl friend that he loves her after nearly a year of dating. its cute to see my brother with her i always tease him about marrying her but she is only 19. I hope my brother treats her good i always tell her to put the smack down on my brother if he doesn't treat her good. She gets upset ( in the way of sadness) they way my family talks to each other, its not mean, we just are loud and joke around and she isn't used to that. Her family is pretty reserved. Any way i still haven't given my family their christmas presents yet. i really don't want to go back to holdrege if i don't have too. anyway i was sick today from work with a cold/ flu and i cant seem to get over it. i have taken, zinc vita c, pro-biotics, zicam, wal-born and have be using a humidifier with vicks vapor solution. im feeling a little better but not completely i have had a headach on the left side of my head for 2 days and am hoping for it to go away soon. i am still debating weather or not i should go to work tomorrow. they are not expecting me..........well to bed i go

10 Tips on Finding Your Style

10 Tips on Finding Your Style

Find your home decorating style with these 10 tips from Designer Karen McAloon, host of Find Your Style.

1.Multiples. Do you have multiple items of the same color, shape or style around your house? This is one big "tell" I look for as I look through clients' homes. A kilim rug in the front hall, a kilim rug in the bedroom, another one in the living room? That means that you like kilim rugs. It sounds way too simple to be that easy, but most people stop seeing their style even when it's right in front of them.

2. Form over function. Do you work on a desk that is too small, but can't bear to replace it? Have a couch that is crazy uncomfortable, but it's still in you living room after all these years? That broken clock that's still up on the wall? Take a good long look, because this is a dead giveaway to your personal style. There is something you love so much about this piece that you have chosen its form over your need for function.

3. Where you shop. Do you browse the same store all the time, even when you're not looking to buy? Does a good flea market make you heart pound with excitement? Where you look for your furnishings speaks volumes about your style. New, used, found, handed down from family; where your furniture comes from represents your style.

4. Art. What you have chosen to hang on your walls says something about you. Art is purely personal, not tied to function or need and therefore is usually the best indication of your style. A vintage movie poster means you probably like classic lines in furniture, while an abstract lithograph likely means that modern design is your bag. Flea market oil painting of someone else's relative? Eclectic is your style.

5. Most recent purchase. A French country dish towel that caught your eye in the store, or an impulse buy of a Tiffany-style lamp that you thought you'd never like, but do. The last thing you bought for your home is a fantastic indicator of what your style is, especially if it is design departure for you.

6. What unites your stuff? Do you have terra-cottas, rusts and warm yellows all around your house? These are the sun-kissed colors of Mediterranean design, so you should look for rough-hewn wood tables, terra-cotta lamps and vases to polish up your style. Does all your furniture have lean, sharp lines, and you don't have a single thing on your mantel? Your style is thoroughly modern. Whether it's color, scale, shape or era, the uniting element in your home is the best place to start when looking for your style.

7. What's your favorite hotel? This is my secret weapon in finding a client's design style. Always stay in cozy country B&Bs? Like the modern city high-rise hotel? Or do you go more for the traditionally furnished places? Hotels have clear design styles, so use them to help you find YOUR style.

8. Odd man out. When there is one piece different from everything else in your room, take note. Chances are, this is one style you like, but are afraid to fully venture into.

9. Travel. Where you chose to spend your vacations, and what you bring back with you are great style indicators. Always go to Mexico on your holidays and have a full set of cobalt-blue wine glasses? You like the hacienda look. Love your family vacations at the beach and have jars of seashells in your bathroom? Coastal cottage is your style.

10. Best room in the house. What's your most fave room in your home? Look to your best design work and repeat it. There is nothing wrong with having all your rooms designed similarly. In fact, it can bring a calm and serene feel to your house.

my design style


It sounds unlikely, but rural properties are amazingly adaptable to a modern style - as your home proves. The country-meets-modern look draws on natural materials and, very often, the immediate landscape for inspiration. The result perfectly combines the simplicity of colour and form without overlooking basic comfort. What's more, it needn't cost a fortune.

Living Room

You have a comfortably contemporary living room. The danger with the 'modern look' is that it too easily falls into the realm of the bland and insipid; 'easy' gets confused with 'careless' and the result is just downright dull! Perhaps of all the rooms in our homes, the living room can be the one that most expresses your sense of style and your interests. Think, too, about how and when you will most use the room. For example, do you want it light and airy or warm and cosy? Try introducing one or two unexpected elements when choosing your accessories: one of the positives of the modern look is that it is very accommodating. Earthy (but not sludgy) colours work well in both rural and urban settings, while glamorous prints and patterns are fun and stylish. Make comfort the priority in your living room: it's where you naturally go to watch TV, relax and de-stress.


Your bedroom has that classic look that never goes out of style. Sleep is fundamentally important to our well being. Clean, fresh air can truly aid sleep, but so, too, does a well-made bed and the best mattress you can afford. Touch is an important issue in the bedroom, from crisp, linen sheets to wool or even sheepskin underfoot. Elegance and relative simplicity are keynotes in your bedroom, using vibrant colours to make a bold statement.

Dining Room

You're a bonafide alpha-male entertainer. At home, cool, sleek, masculine lines and colours give your dining area that slick, 'stealth wealth' feel. You can avoid it all becoming too clinical through careful use of colour and texture. Avoid harsh primary colours and opt instead for linen napkins in subtle, muted colours, say, or dine by candlelight to add a touch of glamour to evening meals. When it comes to entertaining, you like quite simple (some might say 'peasant') food with big, robust flavours.

Home Office

A little of what you fancy does you good -- even when you're working. These days, almost all of us have a home office: a desk and a chair in one corner of the living room with adjustable task lighting and adequate filing is all it takes (and might be all the space you can afford). Your innate sense of style will probably lead you to creating a work space that's as individual as the rest of your home. Just bear in mind basic ergonomic principles, especially when choosing a desk and chair.


Your home combines the best of old and new, rural and metropolitan, to prove you really can have it all!,7/4,7/2/4/