Sunday, November 23, 2008

A random thought .....about owning things

My parent's farm house burnt down out side of schuyler, ne in 1985 while we were away and all of their belongings were burned in the fire.

What are things any way? Just memories. We can't take them to heaven when we die. So why is everyone so obsessed with belongings toys, new trucks, big screen tv's ( to watching meaningless, mind numbing television, dancing with the stars, desperate house wives ect)
why is having stuff, toys ect the most to people in this life.

What are 5 things that are the most important to you? and why?

1. My drawing and poems my amazing artist of a husband drew/wrote for me. When we were first dating
2. My beloved dogs( they make me happy, content, when im with them i feel peace in a world full of caious.
3. My wedding photos
4. My stone collection
5. my wedding rings

people are not encluded in this list.

I have been decluttering my house this last month. I have been throwing things away,giving things away. I have the issue of my stuff owning me rather then me owning my stuff. It seems like the human race works to get money to by more stuff rather then to pay attention to what wer are here to do........learn. i have just been taking into perspective that i dont need to work another job to buy more stuff but to budget and take the time to learn what i need to learn in this life.

New to blogging or anything like it.

This is my first blog. I thought i would journal my thoughts on a new thinking/living process called living in the now by the author Eckart Tolle. I am finally starting to know myself to know what i truly like, what opinions i have and how i react to things. My new year's resloution was to get organized and plan a buget ect ect and i let that go by the way side. I all of a sudden have a jolt of motivation not to just float along and worry about life. As Eckart Tolle stated its pointless to worry about the past it already happend there is nothing you can do about it. And lots of people spend time planning and looking towards the future (as i am slowly getting out of doing) when you should be worried about what is happening now. I have always had social and paranoid anxiety that has stopped me from doing what i have wanted or thought i wanted to do. And by following what this author my life has improved by 80%.