Sunday, December 7, 2008

My favorite stones

Moldavite is a tektite which is found in Czechoslovakia and was formed during meteoritic action which produced a “stew field” of this beautiful green
stone. It is one of the rarest varieties of tektite, was formed over 15 million years ago, and is in the only known “gem quality” stone of extra-terrestrial

Moldavite is a stone to serve the inhabitants of this planet. It stimulates cooperation between those of extra-terrestrial origins and those who are
experiencing life on Earth. It carries one beyond the mirage of life, to a home from which one has been absent, providing the image of eternity and the
vision and energy to translate the image into reality.

It holds immense potential, for direct interdimensional accessing of higher dimensional galactic energies, to draw into the Earth plane those thought-
patterns and light-vibrations which are optimal to ones preparation for ascension and illumination. It facilitates strong, clear, and direct interconnected-
ness between ones consciousness and the higher planes of light. It expands the scope and the magnitude of the vibrational spectrums which one can
approach, while allowing for a more encompassing passageway to those spectrums of which one already has access; that is, one will
see more clearly
and will
see with an expansion of vision within the vibrational territory to which one has ventured, and/or one will be provided the inter-connection with
the multi-dimensional horizons not yet experienced.

Moldavite works quite well at the third-eye, the throat chakra, and in the area of the crown chakra.

When used in the areas of the hands, it has also stimulated the capability to feel the form of the message and sometimes the form of the communicator
from where the message comes.

It works well with quartz, which adds the factors of amplification, stabilization, and a wide energy range, to the focused and specific access capabilities
of moldavite.

It works extremely well with sugilite, celestite, aquamarine, diamond, lapis, and opal, producing overwhelming combinations of qualities which are quite
conducive to healing. From Melody's
Love is In the Earth.

Besed Nice, valued for their color, texture, and beauty. Moldavite is one of the rarest varieties of tektite.

Carnelian Stones: This gemstone is believed to cleanse the blood and also improves ones outlook. It has been believed for a long time that the carnelian gemstone stops bleeding and helps heals wounds. The Egyptians believed that the carnelian gem stone had special powers in afterlife. They also believed that carnelian amulets would help the passage of the soul into the next world. This is the reason why numerous types of carnelian jewelry have been found in the ancient Egyptian tombs. In Europe carnelian jewelry was worn with the belief that, it would provide protection against evil and also ensure continuation of hope, good luck and comforts. This was strongly believed by the Greeks and Romans who used the carnelian gemstone in signet rings and cameos. The Asians in India and Tibet also believed in the special powers of carnelian gems and wore it as pendants, amulets and other carnelian jewelry.

My favorite stones

RRose Quartz is the love stone! Adds positive love energy to relationships. Compassion and forgiveness. Calming, helps clear stored anger, resentment, jealousy, fears. Replaces negativity with harmony. Helps to balance upper four chakras and eases sexual/emotional imbalances. Enhances self-confidence and creativity. Aids kidneys and circulatory system, promotes release of impurities.

Tigers eye
Grounding, balancing, earthy. Promotes optimism, psychic ability and intuition. Stimulates awareness and understanding. Has been used to attract and maintain wealth


Ready for a new and better year.

This year has been a very rough year for my husband and me. I have been trying to learn a very math and science oriented job, with my boss nagging me to get my busy trainers to train me when they are short of help and are doing a million things at the same time. I got a threat from my boss that if i wasn't trained on direct transfers, the cip and half of a filter train by the 2nd quarter, he would have me transferred to a different area( needless to say i don't work well with threats, i first get very nervous and the a slight bigger motivation in my head that i can never act on and the then i get this "screw it" type attitude because i give 110% at my job so if people want more i cant give it to them) well needless to say i didn't get my raise that i was told i would get at my 3 months of starting, so money has been tight because i took a pay cut do to Pfizer have better benefits,vacation ect. my Pekingese Ambroshus scratched her eye needing a big surgery that cost us over $800. i found out everyone at my old job (as an animal control officer) received $4.00 and hour raises. So work has been the highlight of stress in my life this years. Also with the lack of money our central air conditioner when out and we didn't have air for two weeks this summer when it was 90 degree weather, our heater went out and our close drier went out. or bathroom sink was leaking bad so we couldn't use it. but thanks to my handy dad and our appliance repair program we have with our gas company we got them all fixed for free luckily. my grandparent got put into a nursing home an i was helping my mom with that.

on a more positive note

I woke up one day and all of a sudden had an immense amount of motivation . I have my entire up stairs organized and clean including closets, the fridge, cabinets ect. I have a cleaning schedule And even a budget worked out for next year so we will be able to save more money. My good friend Jordan that i have been friends with for 15 years has moved in with us and will stay for a year and pay rent to us. I must admit i love being home owner so i can be the land lord.
So my goal is to keep my motivation with help from entities above and i think it will be a lot more positive year, next year. I also am not really enjoying my new job do to all my other colleauges being lazy and i get stuck doing their work, my boss does nothing about this situation so i became very depressed and bitter, untill..... i found out i can go back to college and Pfizer will pay for it. All i have to do is pass the class with a B or a C i prefer a B and also i can not get fired. I just need to concentrate, pay attention to detail, and have a positive attitude