Tuesday, December 9, 2008

People are strange............ Say hello at least.

I am not enjoying my job very much mostly because of the people i work with. I confided in my friend Jordan who, works for a pretty big company. I was telling him that no one in my area really talk to each other when they walk by. I work closely with a group of 20 people. He stated that he thought that that was very strange. When i first started. My colleagues and i would just walk past each other and said nothing i found this lack of acknowledgement or lack of manners per say very uncomfortable. So i stared saying hi to people, they now always say hi to me. if i already say hi, i make a goofy face or talk to them or acknowledge them. Also my colleagues seem to not want to work or help each other which i kind appalling. i am all about the teamwork and in my area i have none. So hopefully i can transfer out of the area by next Christmas. anyway. I thought i would write about this because it disturbs me. I have worked for this company for a year, it was kind of an after college dream, now it is a tainted dream. I have always made friends with people i work with. Here i have none. I get asked to lunch once in a great while and have never been asked to go to non-work related activities. I'm working on my shyness so i try to talk and be social as much as possible. But it is getting real old initiating conversation. Today i did a little test on my colleagues and didn't initiate conversation, (just saying hi) only a couple out of 20 talked to me. I have a reputation of having a good attitude. So i think i would be approachable. So my goal is to learn my job and do it to the best or your ability( as i always do) be my friendly self try not to be shy and the go back to school so i can move on with my life. If anyone reads this. Do you have this problem?