Friday, March 20, 2009

I choose upward in everyday meditation

As your realities simultaneously dissolve and re-create themselves, and by that we refer to the economic challenges you are facing, and the ecological and social challenges you are facing some of you may experience very difficult times. But never lose sight of the fact that you are the creator of your life, and you can re-create it at any moment, regardless of the circumstances. Those who manipulate you do so through fear and perpetuation of cultural limitations - the belief that your life is dependent upon certain external fac

This particular Holon is based upon a disc. It is much like a top, if you played with such toys as a child. You place yourself inside this disc. The top of the disc corresponds with the location of the BA, where your two hands would touch were you to extend them above your head. The lower part of the disc is the base of your spine if you were to sit cross-legged. If you do this standing or sitting in a chair, then your feet would be at the base of the disc. The center line that goes through the top of the head, through your body, and through the perineum is the central axis of the disc.

In your imagination, you spin the disc around the central axis. For most people the natural direction would be to spin it to the right, but it can be to the left - which ever feels right to you is the correct direction. The size or diameter of the disc is immaterial. You can make it as large or as small as you wish. The color of the disc also does not matter, but if you are a visual person, then we suggest experimenting with making the disc white. This movement of the disc in the imaginal world... the world of your imagination...creates a vortex.

Once you start the disc to spin, your attention goes to the BA above your head and you send appreciation to the BA - the feeling of appreciation. There will be response of some kind from the celestial soul, the BA.

At this point you move your awareness to the base of your spine, to the root chakra, as this is the ground that pulls the celestial energy into the KA body. Then, for the next five to ten minutes, you simply reside inside the disc, allowing it to spin with your awareness at your BA and at the base of your spine. There will be a flow of energy from the BA into the physical body and down to the base of the spine. At times it will be a very light sensation. At other times it will be like a laser light or a column of fire or a stream. It may take many forms.

And as this energy descends from the BA into the base of the spine, it radiates into the KA body, energizing it. You can do this as many times as you wish. We suggest at least once a day. There is a caution: if you practice this too often, or for too long a period of time, you can experience a healing reaction. This is caused by the celestial energies flowing from the KA into the physical organs of the body and causing them to release negativity, toxins and other negative material that constrains their life force. As the KA body becomes more energized over a period of time, it will be able to incorporate the solarized particles from the solar stream and this will greatly accelerate your ascension. This is the basic method. And as we suggested, once a day, five to ten minutes is all that is required, so long as your intention is clearly to move upward in consciousness.

For those who are new to the idea of Holons, I would strongly suggest you go to Hathor Archives, click on the messages dealing with both the Holon of Balance and the Holon of Healing. These two geometric forms are highly beneficial and quite easy to utilize.

In this diagram, the figure is sitting cross-legged, which means that your rump will be at the bottom of the disc. Please note that there is no requirement to sit cross-legged when doing this. If sitting in a chair is more comfortable, then the base of the disc would be at your feet. This would also be true if you chose to do the Holon standing up.

The size of the disc is personal preference. You can have a short stubby one or an elongated, elegant one. Personally, I make the radius of my disc about 25 feet in diameter, giving it a total diameter of 50 feet across. I also imagine it to be a luminescent white color, but there is no need to make it any particular color, or even to see it in your mind at all. Just sense this disc in whatever ways feel natural to you. Looking at the disc from above or from below, it would, of course, appear as a circle.

After you establish the disc in your imagination, start to spin it around the central axis (which passes through the crown at the top of your head, through the center of your body and out the perineum - a point midway between your genitals and your anus). I usually spin mine in a clockwise direction and change it from time to time for variety sake. Most people, according to the Hathors, will naturally spin it clockwise. But spin the disc in the direction that feels right to you. This spinning motion sets up an energetic vortex in the subtle realms and facilitates the movement of celestial energies from the BA into the KA.

Once you have a sense that the imagined disc is spinning, you are ready for the next step.

Move your attention to the BA point (above your head at the top of the disc). Direct feelings of appreciation or gratitude to the BA, as this opens the gate for the flow of celestial energies. It is the actual feeling of appreciation or gratitude, not the thought of appreciation that activates the flow from the BA.

As you continue to send appreciation/gratitude to the BA, you will sense a downward movement of energy from the BA in response. It could take a few moments for this response to occur or longer, if you are new to sensing subtle energies. But eventually you will feel a response from the BA to your directed appreciation. When this occurs, move your attention to the base of the spine.