Friday, February 13, 2009

Caught up in things that are not important

Most often i get caught up in things of this world and the negativity that this world carries. And it takes my amazing supportive husband to slap me back into my reality. That no matter what happens if our house burns down, if the world is at its end, etc. There is no reason what so ever to be negative. I need to continue on my spiritual journey trying to become as enlightened as possible, to maintain the best me i can and that is not being negative for one. my husband was watch a youtube series and he told me that as the world keeps changing,( it seems for the worst) this is were we need to be our best selves. help others, not dewell on the negative and try to above all be god like. So i am back at this point and need to stay there. It can be challenging considering my roommate is very negative and an atheist so talking to him about anything is pretty much banging your head on the wall. Any way this message is just to remind my self that i need to always stay more positve. The pain body is a living feeding analitical creature looking to feed on your negaivity.