Wednesday, January 7, 2009

what to do with my degrees when i get them

I am a planner almost to a fault i want to make sure i can find a great job that pays the amount i want and have amazing benifits.
Jobs i can get with an organizational communications degree:

communication in business and not-for-profit organizations. This major integrates course work in the fields of communication, business, psychology, sociology, writing, and research. You will develop skills demanded in today's workplace and learn the importance of communication in the growth of an organization.
You will learn how to interact with and motivate people, sell ideas and products, promote organizations and events, build productive teams, and train and develop people. Attention is paid to the improvement of written and oral communication skills and to the ethics of human interaction.

Career FieldsOrganizational Communication graduates are employed in such fields as:
Human Resources
Training and Development
Radio and Television
Public Relations
Political Advising

my first choice was degree in human services i am great with people have been working with them for most of my working life, i worked as a nursing assistant in high school and college and i was an animal control officer after college. Human services doen't pay much and if you want to have a high paying position in this feild better get a Ph D.

Job opportunities for human relation professionals are expected to be excellent, particularly for applicants with appropriate postsecondary education. The number of social and human service assistants is projected to grow much faster than the average for all occupations through 2012.
Demand may be particularly strong for certain specialists. Employers are expected to devote greater resources to job-specific training programs in response to the increasing complexity of many jobs, the aging of the workforce, and technological advances that can leave employees with obsolete skills. This should result in particularly strong demand for training and development specialists. In addition, increasing efforts throughout industry to recruit and retain quality employees should create many jobs for employment, recruitment, and placement specialists. Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Occupation Outlook 2004-05
Human Relations PositionsHuman relations professionals usually work in a variety of fields and may include titles such as:
Human Service Worker
Employment and placement manager
Labor Relations Manager
Human Resource Manager/Director
Social Worker
Community Support Worker
Mental Health Aide
Community Outreach Worker
Life Skills Counselor

I am evaluating my self, life ect to try and find out what i truely want to do as a carreer. I am also trying to network as much as possible because that is how my sister-in- laws recieved the jobs that they have that pay well and that they love.

On another yet slightly the same note. I don't everthink i really new myself on most personality tests i couldn't decide what to put. i remember one question stating : do you walk with long slow stride or short quick ones. I don't know, i walk fast i remember thinking. i think i spent all my life trying to be like others that i wasn't figuring out who i was, but when the meyers-briggs test stated think back to when you where 12 years old and answer the questions. i was very very very shy, i cleaned my room for fun, i had everything in an order and i would freak out if my younger brothers trashed my room, i didn't like to get dirty, man i had a ton of friends( not like i do now* sarcasm*) i was less paranoid. anyway so i have been able to answer personality test questions alot easier now that i am away from influnences that inticed me to not be myself. I am my self the most around my husband. He is the only one that knows the true me and loves me for it he has to be the most amazing person i ever met.... we have our ups and downs but i don't think i have ever felt such a love before that he has for me. its just nice to know that through all the rough times that he is always there... you know that song even though we don't got money im so in love with ya honey...........sucky song but the lyrics are us anyway........enough for now time to get back to work.

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