Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year resolution........ i say that i don't make one

i always say that i don't make a new years resolution because i always break it. i just tell my self i am having a lifestyle change.

1. Keep my upstairs clean and organized keep to my cleaning list.
2. think about what i say before i say it/better communication
3. read at least 10 books from my book list
4. keep a positive attitude at work
5. stop feeling guilty for no reason
6. don't let my mom's unnessasary comments affect me.
7. keep to my budget
8. keep to my savings plan
9. meditate everyday
10. read for at least one hour a day
11. excercise four times a week
12. vist my nana in michigan
13. be more social
14. keep up with laundry/ folded and put away
15. dejunk the basement
16. keep my flowerbeds and garden weeded in the summer.
17. get my dog spayed
18. learn 37 move tai chi form
19. pass all of my classes with a b
20. Dress in dress clothes on work days (even though i dont have to)

these are mostly my everyday tasks that i hope to stick with i have been trying to do most of them some days its great others not so much.

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