Monday, November 24, 2008

Back to school........back to school to show my daddy im not a fool

Well i have an associates of applied science degree in veterinary technology and my job(pfizer) will pay for me to go back to school. i haven't been in school for at least 4 years i took some classes at a local community college but i did not enroll in a program .Pfizer will pay for classes up to $10,000.0 a year and i don't have to pay it back. i only have to get a c i believe and they will pay for the tution books and fees. Im taking advantage of this program in january and i am nervous. I pray i will keep my motivation and that i get a b or better in the class. my job right now sucks to be very blunt. the team work is terible i had three hours of overtime tonite and my trainer and i were working our buns off with the other two colleages were literally standing around doing nothing. i was very offened by this at first because i feel i have strong work ethic and i feel i am a very hard worker, im not the smartest person in the world but i have a lot of common sense. i feel that the only way i can continue to work with thes people is if i am going back to school. the pay at this job wasn't as good as the last and i feel that if i go back to school i will be in an advantage.
I don't see my self working at least in the area i am in for a long time. i know if i take classes it is taking an advantage, to not get taken advantage of, like i have before. i will get off work on time.
So in a nut shell another improvement in my life is to go back to school.

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